Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Fertility at 40 Foes and Frauds

Turning 40 is only scary when you are 30. Once you're in it, you're like, "this isn't so bad".

Getting married at an "older" age has great perks too. You don't feel obligated to listen to anyone's opinion on how, where, when or even who to invite to your wedding. When you get married at 40 you're most likely paying for your own wedding, so you can pretty much do what you want.

At 40 you have had most of your friends for a significant time and are pretty set in your ways.
"Can't teach an old dog new tricks" kind of feeling and you are okay with that.
Everywhere you look there are strong beautiful woman in their 40s looking good and feeling good. Starting businesses, going back to school, getting degrees and even starting healthy happy families.

At least celebrities are:

Halle Berry pregnant at 46

Kelly Preston Pregnant at 47

Geena Davis Pregnant at 48

Laura Linney Pregnant at 49

Cheryl Tigs Pregnant at 52

Image result for Cheryl Tiegs pregnant at 52

There are plenty more I could rattle off that are popping out babies like rabbits. It must be easy- peezy right?
We aren't as gullible enough to think these women aren't getting help. We all figure fertility is involved so when it came time for my husband and I to start our family we weren't worried. We'd try the old fashion way. We felt like we were in one of those romantic comedies where you check your fertility times and rush home to try and make that fertile window. I even did the handstands and legs up the wall. It was fun for the first couple of times then this crap got un-fun REAL fast.

Our romantic comedy turned into a psychological thriller.

Months, months and more months went by and we were not getting pregnant. So we decided it was time to call Dr. Fertility.

I was feeling pretty secure and comfortable before we even met with Dr. Fertility. We had about 10 maybe 20 thousand saved that we could put toward our fertility treatment. (why isn't this covered by insurance? That we can discuss on another post)
I was ready for MY People Magazine cover, for my Glamour Shot with my new twins. We even joked about how crazy it would be if we had triplets.
And then reality hit! It hit hard.
Dr. Fertility broke it down for us.
He said it was pretty simple. As young as you feel or as young as you look didn't count or matter in this case. You might still get carded at the bar and one of those, "You Go Girl"- looks,  when you hand over your id. But the bottom line is, you are old and your eggs are old too. Even with IVF treatment your chances are slim.
Um... excuse me Dr. Fertility. I know my celebrity status is low but what the heck are you talking about? What about Halle? What about Jlo and Mariah?
This is when Dr. Fertility let me know that me, you and ALL of us have been DOOPED!
They have tricked us again. These celebrities miracle moms. They have failed to mention a very important key component.... Donor Eggs!
With IVF treatment your chances go from less than 3% to over 40% with Donor Eggs.
So if I understand this correctly, you find a donor that looks like you (or better) that is as tall as you (or taller) and smart like you (or smarter) and plant those eggs in your womb shake them up with your sperm of choice. Very Weird Science (I'm totally dating myself)

Okay... maybe not but you know what I mean.
I feel like I have been mislead into believing that having a baby is as easy as opening up my check book and my womb to a few easy treatments.
Well, I'm here to tell you ladies.                DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!!

I understand that being a Mom is a crazy hard job and being a Celebrity Mom in the constant eye of the public must be nerve racking but it comes with the territory. They don't want to let us into their Birth Process but they do want to parade their baby bumps and Twinsies on the cover of People Magazine.
So I'm here to let you ladies know...  DONOR EGGS!   DONOR EGGS!    DONER EGGS!  

 Just in time for EASTER.      

Well, I know what your next question is... "So, you did it right? You got your doppelganger donor eggs and had your triplets?"

And my answer is "Heck No!"
Our $10-$20,000 was not even close to what we would need to just get things started. BUT... I'm all for it and if we had the financial means I think we would have seriously considered it.

We ADOPTED instead. And I can't wait to tell you about that one.

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